Halo Drones, Zyalin"I needed to hate Celestials less, so I tried to draw them smol and cute. Daggone lil' fire sprites." by LurkCewestials by LurkLurk - Celestial FisticuffsLurk - BoostedLurk - CrabsSnapper by AdventS N I P P by AdventArtwork by: WanderbotHullbreaker with Seraph. Yes, we're shipping ships now. Artwork by AquaJet, commissioned by ArbitratedSlugcat captures a Pulsebug by Slugcat#HuggTheJugg by SlugcatSnapper by ZedManulStealth Transition by AdventSee You Later, Space Whale by AdventHydra by GreasyMonkeySpitfire 2.0 by GreasyMonkeyStation Omega 2.0 by GreasyMonkeyScion 2.0 by GreasyMonkeyWarbringer 2.0 by GreasyMonkeySeraph 2.0 by GreasyMonkeyCthulhu by GreasyMonkeyAdvent - AtaraxiaAdvent - Boss BannerAdvent - The TrioAdvent - ArchitectAdvent - AssaultAdvent - BatteryAdvent - CarrierAdvent - CourserAdvent - EngineerAdvent - FireflyAdvent - HullbreakerAdvent - LeviathanAdvent - ResearchAdvent - SentinelAdvent - SpectreAdvent - ViperAdvent - LeviathanAdvent - Nova Drift^2Advent - Deep SnekAdvent - Fast TempoAdvent - Viper's Hard RockEvertone - AttractorEvertone - Celestial WormEvertone - SatellitesEvertone - Scionic SpawnEvertone - SniperEvertone - StarcallerEvertone - Super JuggernautEvertone - Neo DropshipsEvertone - Magnetar\Evertone - StormguardEvertone - NanobomberEvertone - SamuraiEvertone - A completely normal round of Nova DriftEvertone - Another completely normal round of Nova DriftEvertone - Concept: Blue Mobility ModsEvertone - Concept: Super ModsEvertone - Concept: Marine Tree: Candescence AlternativeEvertone - Assorted Gears, Mines and TurretsEvertone - Minigun, Generator and InfernoEvertone and Hexacryonic - Surge, Titan and GladiatorEvertone - Siphon 2.0Evertone - Excalibaard's Sidewinder Body and Chronite's Impact ShieldEvertone - Inferno Body with Titan ShieldEvertone - Stardrift ModernizationEvertone - GargantaEvertone - Garganta FiringSkipydog's Elite Beholder (Left) with Evertone's Quasar (Right)Evertone - Super Mod: Thruster ChargeEvertone - Weapon Gear: SlugEvertone - Scion: The InheritorEvertone - Seraph: The One-Winged AngelEvertone - Uber Seraph Attack ConceptsEvertone - Enemy Concept: ArcadiaEvertone & Kiss_My_ASCII - Enemy Concept: PhantasmEvertone - Wave 20Evertone - Body: HiveEvertone - Boss Concept: Hexadron - Six Sides of SufferingEvertone - Hexadron Attacks ft. Body Gear: SledgeEvertone - Nova.io Upgrade System Concept ArtEvertone - Uber SpitfireEvertone - Boss Concept: DwellerEvertone - Boss Concept: LucentEvertone - SeraphEvertone - CrucibleEvertone - CryomancersEvertone - Elder CryomancerEvertone - Enemy Concept: MirageEvertone - Super Mod: Tactical JumpEvertone - Shock CoatingEvertone - The KranglerEvertone - The Krangler EmergesEvertone - Heavy Weapon Enemies: Blazar, Sniper, Gunship & RocketeerMegoman16 - Nova Drift Wallpaper IMegoman16 - Nova Drift Wallpaper IIHexaCryonic - Wild Mod: CorpulenceHexaCryonic - Station GammaHexaCryonic - BlazeTerrorHexaCryonic - World CrackingHexaCryonic - Weapon Gear: CutterHexaCryonic - Super Mod: Shielded ShieldsHexaCryonic - Unstable Ultima Upgrade: Cataclysmic RebirthHexaCryonic - Enemy Concept: CompoundHexaCryonic - Super Mod: Essence SplitHexaCryonic - Crucible DomainHexaCryonic - Nemesis BossesEvertone - Uber Crucibleidiotica - Body: LunaticNowOnTest - Body: TricksterSaris - Body: DeadeyeSaris - OrbiterSaris - Alternate Boss Concept: AltairSaris - Altair DetailsSaris - Paradoxial CarapaceSnek - Buff TurretSnek - Buffed TrainSnek - Bunker (Gear)Snek - Carrier 2.0Snek - "Crab Thing"Snek - Heavy Ramming ShipSnek - Mega InterceptorSnek - Overbuffed TrainSnek - ParapetSnek - Propulsive Munitions EnemySnek - RindonSnek - SledgeSnek - Turret CarrierSnek - Heavy FlankerSnek - Flamethrower EnemySnek - MothershipSnek - Unusual Defense TurretSnek - WavepusherSnek - Hybrid Enemy: Boss AmalgamationSnek - Hybrid Enemy: BullwarbringerSnek - Hybrid Enemy: CrabwarkSnek - Hybrid Enemy: HammerwarkSnek - Hybrid Enemy: JuggerwarkSnek - Hybrid Enemy: MinewarkSnek - Hybrid Enemy: PulsarwarkSnek - Hybrid Enemy: ScionwarkSnek - Hybrid Enemy: WarpeelerSnek - Hybrid Enemy: Warpeeler (Elite)Snek - Hybrid Enemy: Warpeeler (Champion)Snek - Boss Concept Phase ISnek - Boss Concept Phase IIÆgg Prophet - SwordbreakerAquamarinePlasma - NoxiousAquamarinePlasma - ScoutAquamarinePlasma - Solar FlareBallisticx - CruisersTalha - JesterGgWw1175 - Skimmer ScalingKatiavu - Uber StationKatiavu - Uber Formationn+ - Big Zam (from Gundam)n+ - Boltthrowern+ - Assault Railgunn+ - Station OmegaC. - Station Omega Colored (Original by n+)n+ - Serpentn+ - Bulwarkn+ - Juggernaut and PulsarSkipydog - Sprites for Normal and Elite CelestialsSkipydog - Fractal Boss: Phase ISkipydog - Fractal Boss: Phase IISkipydog - CorvetteSkipydog - RazorSkipydog - GladiatorsSkipydog - GyronautSkipydog - TriloidSkipydog - MastermindSkipydog - MeteorSkipydog - Meteor and Meteor WakeSkipydog - SquidSkipydog - JugglersSkipydog - BeholderSkipydog - Beholder (Elite)Skipydog - Modular Enemy Concept: HexlerationSkipydog -Experiment: Coercion (Normal and Elite)Skipydog - Experiment: Coercion (Champion)adamxmz - Nova Drift ComicÆgg Prophet - 3D SentinelCatalyst4 - Nova Drift ComicCAUE4000 - SnappersDankoLord - Interceptor Pixel ArtDankoLord - PiercerDankoLord - Architect: Become TurretDankoLord - Overcharged ArtilleryDankoLord - Random Nova Drift DoodlesDankoLord - Scout Turret ConceptDankoLord - Sentinel ColossusDankoLord - Siege ColossusDankoLord - Space WhaleConcept by DankoLord, Redrawn by Xyrole, Vectorized by illAligned - Assault Engineer Hybrid BodyDankoLord - Overseer ColossusDankoLord - Body Gear: SteampunkerDankoLord - Protean Coat of ArmsDankoLord - Segmented Viper ConceptDankoLord - Adjusted Protean WallpaperDankoLord - Engineer DrawingDankoLord - Perspective Study with Assault dragonfireMagic - Body GearsTalha- Bead ArtTalha - The RailcultTalha - A bad day for Assaultidiotica - boyBringeridiotica - Seraph-chanidiotica - Warbri-senpaiillAligned - Turret 2.0IndieARK - UntitledLt - 3D EngineersLt - 3D ResearchLt - Station Omega RenderLt - Seraph RenderLt - Champion Juggernaut RenderLt - Assault and Firefly vs SeraphLt - Space Station and Viper PatrolLt - Ceratotitan's SwarmLt - Dreadnought's LightningLt - Dweller's ArmyLt - Crucible RenderLt - Glaucus's VortexLt - 3D render of Blazar by EvertoneLt - Carrier vs Evertone's BlazarLt - Assault vs Talha's JesterPenguinsnkittens - Assault and Thermal LanceSolFrostyArt - Nova DriftUltraken - Nova DriftWeaverSong - HullbreakerWeaverSong - SentinelZEAA0N - No Speed LimitCaptain Cannonball - Tank BodyUncleShion - Magna CutterUncleShion - ShackleechUncleShion - Space NarwhalE-dawg - Super Mod: Charged ShieldsSchrödinger's card - Stained Glass WindowSchrödinger's card - Original Wave 200Schrödinger's card - Shield Mutation ConceptsSchrödinger's card - Super Mod: Turbulant WakeAvionDrake579 - Fatal Miscalculation4DIS - Rise of the Railgunner TurretBread - Assault with SalvoBread - Bunch of ConstructsVividant - BulwarkHyperspade - Alternate Boss Concept: CharybdisArch_Imedes - Body Gear: RazorArch_Imedes - Shield Gear: ChakramArch_Imedes - Assorted ShipsArch_Imedes - Dreadnought DoodleArch_Imedes - SpitfireAtaraxia - Ship IdeasAtaraxia - Boss ConceptsUnitDelta - Seraph DrawingUnitDelta - Ceratotitan DrawingUnitDelta - Ceratotitan PaintingUnitDelta - Glaucus PaintingUnitDelta - AssaultUnitDelta - Assault Birdhouseyivrne haaan - 3D Assaultyivrne haaan - 3D PulsarFungifity - Seraph FanartAdmiral - Weapon Concept: Phalanxmr. cactus - Beamcaster: Challengermr. cactus - Gyrogun: Challengermr. cactus - Saucer: Challengermr. cactus - Enemy Concept: Generatormr. cactus - Saucer FlagMusicalRess - Mods for EnemiesNovDev - SpitfireToska. - PulsarToska. - ArchitectToska. - BatteryToska. - BulwarkX̆ - SunflyKetcapli PilavZ - Vanguard and WarbringerArtie Phact - Seraph SketchesArtie Phact - Firefly DrawingsDrac - GlaucusFauxvoid - ScionGADGEMAN - Void SlashChimeric - Sword Mockup
By LurkWild Metamorphosis is coming along well, guys.If you were around for the Wild Metamorphosis beta, this makes sense to you. I think this is the most busted Nova Drift has ever been. Exceptional cut and paste by Jim-Bot.TFW your game honestly wasn't very difficult to make"Croctopus" by Kinishina"There is a certain feeling when you damage Station with hullbreaker..." Artwork by Kinishina"The Juggernaut of Wellness" by Kinishina
The Juggernaut of Wellness... well, it's like a... "Blissey" meets a "Juggernaut". Its healing missiles bring health and prosperity. If it blesses you... look, it's complicated, don't worry about it.
By KinishinaREDFIST by KinishinaThe OMEGALUL Black Hole by JohnSolarisBy John SolarisBAAHHHHSeries by PotatomasterNova_Drift_Balance.jpgNova PoneThis one probably won't make sense to you, but it makes me happy. By NowOnTestThere was no way to stop ZedManul from creating this, so this exists, now.Praise the Infinitrain! Praaaaaaise! By LurkHydra Chargin' by GreasyMonkeyBillaxethrower - Barrage Railgun goes BRRRRRREvertone - Offscreen HivesEvertone - SlipstreamageddonIcicle - Warp, Tempest Break and Emergency Systemsn+ - Body Gear: CatgirlVogelspin - The original "Fleshy Ships"ZEAA0N - Fleshy Viper IZEAA0N - Fleshy Viper IIn+ - Fleshy BatterySchrödinger's card - MinedriftHexaCryonic - Traingetti and Meatballwarks
HexaCryonic - Crackbreaker
«·ZΞAΔ0N·» - The Juggernaut Condition«·ZΞAΔ0N·» - The Omega Condition«·ZΞAΔ0N·» - The Scion Condition«·ZΞAΔ0N·» - The Warbringer ConditionChimeric - StonksMostachobich - Not StonksEvertone - Super Mod: Stored PowerDankoLord - Nova DripDankoLord - Nova DripDankoLord - RGB Nova DripTalha - SkillAdamxmz - Recursive Commander Drones BugStrawman - Introducing Nova Drift, starring: Evertone - Chimeric Pondering the CrucibleHexaCryonic - Boss Renames
Lurk - Orbs of Discord
Talha - +Parry
Excalibur Heavy Battlecruiser and AEgg Prophet - Shredder Box TimeÆgg Prophet - Warpbreaker
Screens That Make Me Laugh
The Vortex that Ended the WorldVrrrrrrrrpWhen you BANISH the VOIDAFK BuildEvertone - Lagrange PointUnknown - Surge SpamVogelspin - Celestial SurgeVogelspin - Scion BubblesXn - The Student Surpasses the MasterMeepMweep - The Sigma GrindsetSchrödinger's Card - Rancor GamingSoren Lily - Warp Storage (Discovered by adamxmz)Schrödinger's card - BRRRRRRT: Partial MeltdownEvertone - Imprisoned
Miscellaneous Content
DankoLord - Sprite Editing Guide
Fanart Gallery V2 is under construction, aimed at improving the display! I am currently testing formatting and transferring files from our backup to my PC for upload. Please let me know if you have any concerns / suggestions. - Avion
A collection of the fanart posted in the official Nova Drift Discord Server. If you have any questions, if I forgot to credit you, or if you would like your art removed, please notify me!
Additionally, some of these files are meant to be background images. Due to limitations of the gallery, they have been turned to .jpeg and scaled down. If you would like a higher resolution file to use as wallpaper, feel free to DM me.
- AvionDrake579
Digital Art
Advent's Digital Art Collection - Bakuhebi - Nova Drift² - Viper's Hard Rock - Fast Tempo
Vector Art
Advent's Vector Art Collection - @ZenAdvent
Enemy Concept Art
Evertone - Attractor, Energy Worm, Satellite, Scionic Spawn, Sniper, Starcaller, Dropship, Uber Juggernaut, HexaCryonic - Station Gamma