I'm excited to announce that we're working with Localizor to help translate Nova Drift to your many Earth languages!

This is an awesome crowd-sourced tool, and I think its pretty revolutionary. If you're bilingual you can help and earn game keys by doing it.

It works like this:
- Go to https://www.localizor.io/
- Select a game you want to translate.
- Vote on correct suggestions. You get 1 coin per vote. If no suggestions are available, simply translate and submit your own.
- When you got enough coins, go to the Coin Shop to redeem your free Steam key.
I'll also be granting the "Collaborator" role to people on the Discord who contribute considerably.
This effort is HUGE for the health of Nova Drift. Bringing it to the largest gaming communities around the world will allow me to continue improving and updating it for longer. I'm excited!

A huge thank you to everyone who helps, and to everyone who's already gotten started!
A Guide for Writing Quality Translations:
- Nova Drift is a highly mechanically technical game. It is important to look carefully at the language used, as it often contains important information which could easily be lost in translation. For instance, "increased" vs "increased total" denotes an additive vs multiplicative mechanic. Other keywords, such as recovery vs regeneration are important to distinguish. Please make sure you understand the context of the text before translating the more difficult ones.
- The above should be consistent not just across languages, but across all entries for all strings of text in each language.
- Please do not use Google Translate, it isn't sufficient. Only participate if you are fluent in both languages.
- If you think an aspect of the original English text is flawed, you can submit your own improvements to that, too! By all means, it is nowhere near perfect yet.
- Please be careful and check your work by eye and by spell-checker. I use the plug-in "Grammarly" to spellcheck anything in a browser, and combine it with this notepad website to dump large amounts of text: https://www.rapidtables.com/tools/notepad.html
- If you'd like to add translation for a language that isn't present on the list, just request it. It's quite easy for me to add more.
Thanks for reading
As always, thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. Please join our community and share your thoughts on Nova Drift on the Discord.